“The Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control is removing the name of one individual, whose property and interests in property have been blocked pursuant to Executive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001, Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Commit, or Support Terrorism, from the list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons.”

The following designation has been removed from the SDN List:

  • PITONO, Joko (a.k.a. ABDUL MARTIN; a.k.a. ABDUL MATIN; a.k.a.
    AMAR UMAR; a.k.a. AMAR USMAN; a.k.a. ANAR USMAN; a.k.a. DJOKO
    SUPRIYANTO; a.k.a. DUL MATIN; a.k.a. DULMATIN; a.k.a. JAK IMRON;
    a.k.a. MUKTAMAR; a.k.a. NOVARIANTO; a.k.a. PINTONO, Joko; a.k.a.
    PITOYO, Joko; a.k.a. TOPEL); DOB 16 Jun 1970; alt. DOB 6 Jun 1970;
    POB Petarukan village, Pemalang, Central Java, Indonesia; nationality
    Indonesia (individual) [SDGT]
  • 76 FR 16855
    Published 03-25-2011