“In this rule, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) amends the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to formally recognize and implement India’s membership in the Wassenaar Arrangement (Wassenaar or WA). Further, BIS removes India from Country Group A:6 and places it in Country Group A:5. This action befits India’s status as a Major Defense Partner and recognizes the country’s membership in three of the four export control regimes: Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), WA and Australia Group (AG). This rule is another in the series of rules that implement reforms to which the United States and India mutually agreed to promote global nonproliferation, expand high technology cooperation and trade, and ultimately facilitate India’s full membership in the four multilateral export control regimes (Nuclear Suppliers Group, MTCR, WA, and AG). This rule also makes conforming amendments.”

83 FR 38018-21
Published 08-03-2018