“On July 6, 2011, in the U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Jirair Avanessian, a/k/a Jirair Hijiabadi Avanessian, a/k/a Jirair H. Avanessian, a/k/a Jerry Avanessian, and a/k/a Jerry Avanes (‘Avanessian’) was convicted of violating the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701, et seq. (2000)) (‘IEEPA’). Specifically, Avanessian was convicted of one count of violating IEEPA by knowingly and willfully violating and causing to be violated the United States trade restriction with Iran by exporting and attempting to export vacuum pumps and related equipment parts to Iran, via the United Arab Emirates, without first having obtained the required license or authorization from the United States Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control for such an export. Avanessian was also convicted of one count of conspiracy (18 U.S.C. 371) to violate IEEPA and one count of money laundering (19 U.S.C. 1956 (h)). Avanessian was sentenced to 18 months in prison followed by a three-year supervised release. Avanessian was also ordered to pay a $10,000 fine and a $300 special assessment. Avanessian was released from prison on December 9, 2011.”

77 FR 60377-78
Published 10-03-2012