“A Public Notice entitled ‘In the Matter of the Amendment of the Designation of al-Shabaab (and other aliases) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended’ was signed by the Secretary of State on July 9, 2018, and published in the Federal Register (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/07/25/2018-15917/in-the-matter-of-the-review-of-the-designation-of-al-shabaab-and-other-aliases-as-a-foreign) on July 25, 2018. However, the wrong version of the document was submitted to the Office of the Federal Register and therefore the wrong notice was published as Public Notice 10471. This Notice contains the correct text below, as approved by the Secretary of State, who authorized and directed publication in the Federal Register. This Notice is being published to correct the record.”


84 FR 37708
Published 08-01-2019