Correction: “In rule document 2012-28919 appearing on pages 71097-71099 in the issue of Thursday, November 29, 2012, make the following changes: PART 744–[CORRECTED] 1. On page 71099, in the table ‘Supplement No. 4 to Part 744– Entity List’, in the fifth column, in the fourth row, ’77 FR [INSERT FR PAGE NUMBER] 11/30/12.’should read, ’77 FR [INSERT FR PAGE NUMBER] 11/29/12.”2. On the same page, in the same table, in the same column, in the sixth row, ’77 FR [INSERT FR PAGE NUMBER] 11/30/12.’ should read, ’77 FR [INSERT FR PAGE NUMBER] 11/29/12.’ 3. On the same page, in the same table, in the same column, in the tenth row, ’77 FR [INSERT FR PAGE NUMBER] 11/30/12.’ should read, ’77 FR [INSERT FR PAGE NUMBER] 11/29/12.'”

77 FR 72917
Published 12-07-2012