The United States and the United Kingdom have announced new sanctions following Russia recognizing the independence of two regions of Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk, and sending troops into those disputed areas.

Observers believe that more measures are likely unless there is a de-escalation of the situation through immediate diplomatic means. 

The moves add to restrictions already imposed on entities over the past eight years of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. And it underlines points made in a recent article about the effectiveness of international sanction and how they relate to the maintenance of geopolitical order. 

Russia-Ukraine Sanctions 

Some of the sanctions announced by the U.S. and UK in response to intensified pressure from Russia to undermine the territorial integrity of Ukraine: 

The U.S. measures included barring financing to the Russian government, as well as sanctions on two Russian financial institutions, and Russian elites and their families. 

Staying on Top of Russia-Ukraine Sanctions 

Given the fluidity of the situation, keeping abreast of changes to denied and restricted party watch lists and the latest sanctions is a significant challenge that businesses face. 

To help manage compliance risks more effectively, Descartes provides a range of denied party screening and 3rd party risk management solutions. Our screening lists are updated as watchlists are updated by government agencies and other official sources. 

Descartes Visual Compliance solutions are flexible and modular, allowing organizations to pick the specific and exact functionality and content they need and scale up later as and when necessary. 

By utilizing our robust solutions, organizations can strengthen their compliance processes, enhance their competitive edge and increase sales velocity.